Dave Johnson
15 articles published since May 20, 2019
About Dave Johnson
Dave Johnson has worked as a tech journalist since the days of the Palm Pilot and Windows 95. He is the author of almost three dozen books about technology, spent 8 years as a content lead at Microsoft, and is the founder of family tech site Techwalla.
How to Move Google Authenticator to a New Phone (or Multiple Phones)
Changing phones? Don't lose your Google Authenticator code. Here's how to move them to a new phone (or use them on two devices at once).
Audio Deepfakes: Can Anyone Tell If They're Fake?
You can't trust everything you see, but how about what you hear? Some audio deepfakes are already so good, most people can't tell the difference between a cloned voice and a real one.
How 23andMe's DNA Test Helped Me Unravel a Secret Family
Thanks to inexpensive DNA tests, our writer unearthed a long-buried family secret: His dad isn't his biological father.
What Is Contact Tracing, and How Can It Fight Pandemics?
Contact tracing could be a major asset for fighting COVID-19 and future pandemics. Here's how it works!
5G Conspiracy Theories: The Craziest Emails We’ve Gotten
Since interviewing experts who told us 5G is safe, we've been getting non-stop emails full of 5G conspiracy theories. Here are the craziest ones.
How Secure Is Your Home Wi-Fi?
Is your home Wi-Fi network safe from hackers? Here are some ways you can beef up security.
How to Delete Your Personal Information From People-Finder Sites
It's highly likely your personal information is for sale on "people-finder" websites. Here's how you can protect your privacy and have your info removed.
Do You Need Anti-Ransomware Software for Your PC?
Ransomware is still a serious threat. Here's everything you need to know, and how you can protect your system and files.
The State of VR Headsets in 2019: What Should You Buy?
It's a big year for VR headsets, with new kinds of headsets making it easier and cheaper to get in the game. We take a look at what you need to know.
How Worried Should You Be About the Health Risks of 5G?
How concerned should you be about the health risk of 5G? We take a look at the actual science.
How to Protect Your Identity Online
Nearly 17 million Americans are victims of identity fraud each year. Here's how you can avoid being one of them.
Could Your Bluetooth Devices Be Hacked in 2019?
How concerned should you be about the new Bluetooth vulnerabilities? We asked the experts.
Want to Survive Ransomware? Here's How to Protect Your PC
Don't let ransomware ruin your day! Here's how to protect your system, and what to do if it's infected.
Should You Pay Up If You Get Hit by Ransomware?
Few things are scarier than losing your PC's files to ransomware. But what's the right move after you get hit? We polled 30 cybersecurity experts on what they recommend.
Can Pacemakers (and Other Medical Devices) Really Be Hacked?
Can pacemakers and other medical devices really be hacked? We spoke to the experts.